Friday 25 September 2015

Life Is Beautiful...!!

What do you think about life guys... is that very complicated ??? or you just fed up with your life or your way of living your life ??
After reading this article, i just hope atleast some of you change your way of thinking.

Now-a-days, in newspaper we are frequently seeing so many articles regarding SUICIDES of youngsters. 
Some of our leaders said " youngsters are the future of our country."
i have a small question here... Whats our nations future if youngsters are committing suicides... that too for such a silly reasons... do you think its correct... ???

Life is such a beautiful thing guys. Don't just give up for silly reasons.
Every one has their own problems in their life's but ending your life is not the only solution for all our problems... rite,.. ??!!
Think once, what if everyone in this world give up their life's...!!
you know what guys... to commit suicide we need so much of courage and commitment. Please show atleast one percent of that courage to live life. I'm sure after this step you can make so many miracles...

Life is very simple and lovely, but we always make it more complicated with our way of thinking.
May be, because of situations or people around us like family or rules and regulations created by our family or the environment where you born and bought up... some of the rules are very silly like girls should not talk much, should not laugh very loudly, should not go out alone, should not go out with friends, blah blah blahhhh
Girls are also like normal human beings... They also have right to dream about their future and about their life... They have right to take their own decisions... am i rite ??
and of-course some boys are also there who are still very scared to talk infront of their father.
Our goals and dreams are at one side of the coin but our parents or situations pulls us back to go in other way, which is other side of the coin, which is very different from our goals and dreams...
i don't understand why parents become more protective such that their children feel insecure with them. In some cases, knowingly or unknowingly parents are the reasons for their children failures. ofcourse, our parents and family loves us very much, we also love them as well and they cares about us gives each and everything we want from our childhood, but think once... its our life... why we have to sacrifice our life for others...?!

According to me, personality of a person is described by two L's. One is LEADER and other is LOSER. Losers... They don't dare to speak out, always compromise their dreams because of fear.
Leaders... In short, leaders have that power to make the rules and even to break the rules...
Losers can become Leaders only if, they overcome from the fear which is inside them and as well as Leaders can also become Losers if, they don't use their power wisely...!!

Finally what i want to say is... live your life just in the way you want. Plan correctly in the correct direction to reach your dreams... achieve all your goals. Then i'm sure you will also say that,



please post your comments whats your opinion about this article and please share it to change our nation.
thank you.


  1. Nice Attempt bujji
    So much dose lines are n this artical fr living bttr life with full of clarity :-)

    Gud luck n keep it up :-)

  2. Akka Super Ga Cheppavu
    Now A Days Youth Ki One Of The Best Advice
    May People Change A Little Bit By Reading This Article
    Keep Rocking Sister Puji :)
